
“Sensitive and appropriate master-planning and delivery of future phases of residential and commercial land that leaves a legacy for Banchory as an attractive and sustainable community in which to live and work.”
This is the largest sector of the Leys Estate Group in terms of importance; covering master planning, Local Development Plan (LDP) bids, infrastructure planning, phased land release and capital realisation of land and property owned by the Group for sale, lease, rent or retained use.
We are committed to sensitive and appropriate master-planning and delivery of future phases of residential and commercial land that leaves a legacy for Banchory as an attractive and sustainable community in which to live and work.
Key Objectives
- Develop masterplan brief for next 25 years.
- Identify development opportunities with regards to redundant/surplus agricultural buildings.
- Carry out effective and responsive community consultation.
- Create a sense of place and community.